All-Hands Meeting

- Interactive session with connection to all employees and stakeholders
- Remote viewers become engaged through audio and electronic response tools
- Onsite meeting and remote participant support is well planned and rehearsed prior to the session
- Advance planning, testing and audience participation "dry runs" are rehearsed prior to the live session
All Hands Meetings are intended to reach a large audience with key information simultaneously. The key aspect of an All Hands Meeting is that it reaches everyone regardless of their location. Often, many of the audience members assemble in a "host" or primary location, but the nature of the meeting is that even distant employees or stakeholders must have access to the live session. In this way an All Hands Meeting fulfills an important role which is to disseminate key information to a potentially global audience all at once.
The tools required to do this are many and they include webcasting, video conferencing, audio conferencing, and even satellite broadcasting. Using the tools of video communications TKO can carry your Mission Critical information to the exact pool of remote participants you want to reach.
As you develop your need to communicate with a large pools of employees/stakeholders, quite often the geographic dimension and the dispersion of remote attendees becomes very large. This is common, and it can be overwhelming to consider how to reach all parties without the assistance of an organization like TKO. Our specialization is in making video communications work between systems, locations and countries. We can ensure your message reaches everyone in just the way you require. For parties in nearby time zones, a live presentation and even live ability to ask questions may be preferred. For participants around the country or across the globe, a webcast that they can view from their work or home computers is ideal. In each case and with every form of communication, TKO can provide you options and recommendations to enhance the effectiveness of your All Hands Meeting.
Key elements of All Hands Meetings include special communications tools to enable remote attendees to actually participate in the meeting. Meeting aids such as webcasting with chat-back, audience surveys and polls can allow the presenters of the All Hands Meeting an ability to interact with remote participants in a way that provides good feedback during the live session.
All Hands Meetings require special attention from the technical staff in the planning and setup of audio visual systems. Special attention to camera and microphone access is applied to both presenter and audience members. Special attention to remote participants is paid to insure that all meeting attendees have an ability to interact with the presenters and presentation materials.
TKO Services
Our team of event managers, technicians and engineers will work with you from concept to meeting wrap-up. We will apply our skill and know-how to make recommendations for venue selection, and communications tools to help you reach and interact with a dispersed audience. Our greatest expertise is in the important area of making video and audio communications work to reach large audiences. We can assist you at the primary presentation location with cameras and microphones plus we can carry your message far and wide to remote meeting attendees.
- Site/Venue Survey prior to All Hands Meeting
- Polling tools for remote audience participation via computer or tablet
- Onsite assistance in advance of All Hands Meeting to configure room and systems
- Audio / Visual systems and setup including cameras, lighting, microphones and sound systems
- Recording equipment in Standard or High Definition for reproduction on digital media such as DVD's
- Broadcasting equipment and transmission over the Internet (webcasting) or via video conference and even via satellite downlink