
The High Definition leader with products for the boardroom, conference room and personal mobile conference room.
LifeSize delivers superior quality, high definition video communications over your IP network. This commitment to constant innovation enables LifeSize to deliver the best price-to-performance products, the best quality at all bandwidths and new generation architecture built with the universal interoperability.
LifeSize manufactures a wide array of HD video communications solutions using advanced technology to deliver a truly stunning exerience. LIfeSize products enable the highest quality video conferencing solutions available on the market today, and each system is built to be user friendly, reliable, and to create a truly interactive audio and visual experiences.

Authorized LifeSize Reseller
TKO is an authorized reseller of all LifeSize products. Our experienced project managers and engineers will install and test every function of these systems within your network and provide professional training to your employees. You can rest easy that your staff will be proficient in using these products and that your infrastructure will be up and running quickly. TKO provides solutions for all of your video conferencing needs from our full range of video conferencing equipment to our professional services (including outsourcing and service plans).

Free Trial and Demonstration
LifeSize endpoints and products are available, at no cost, for trial and demo by our qualified engineeers and salespeople. Please contact TKO toll free at 1.800.216.3476 or email for more information.

Maintenance and Service Plans
At TKO, we deliver same day service for MISSION CRITICAL systems that you depend on for reliable, quality communications. From endpoints to gatekeepers to multipoint control units, TKO services a myriad of the audio and video conferencing products that keep your organization operating efficiently and effectively. Contact TKO professional services at 1.800.216.3476 or visit our Service Plans page for more specifics.

Training Programs
Due to customer requests, TKO has implemented a variety of training programs suited towards administrators running ISDN and IP communications networks. From the basics of how to use a system to installing a communications infrastructure, our training staff will detail how to run an optimal network. Visit our Training product page for more details on TKO training programs.
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About TKO
TKO was founded in 1995 and provides video conferencing services for your network and systems. We sell and service equipment from all manufacturers including, but not limited to, Cisco/Tandberg, Polycom, LifeSize and Sony. TKO Video Communications is headquartered in San Jose, California.